Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera
Dengan hormatnya dipanjangkan email jemputan daripada MyPSA-SA untuk menghadiri Malaysian Postgraduate Conference 2011 (MPC11) pada 26-27 Nov. 2011 sebagai pembentang atau peserta untuk semua warga MyPSA WA serta sesiapa yang berminat untuk hadir.
MyPSA-WA menimbangkan kemungkinan menaja yuran pendaftaran bagi ahli-ahli MyPSA WA yang membentangkan kertas kerja di MPC 2011 ini.
Dear all,
I would like to invite you to either present your research or attend the long-awaited inaugural Malaysian Postgraduate Conference 2011, or MPC11 for short, which will be held at the University of South Australia in Adelaide for two days; the weekend of 26th and 27th of November. Please find attached a copy of the First Announcement and Call for Abstracts for MPC11.
I hope that receiving this email today will still enable you to make preparations to come down to Adelaide and partake of our hospitality come the final weekend of November. If you have need to communicate with us you can do so on the MPC11 Facebook page at, or via this email address.
Kindly note the guidelines given should you want to submit an abstract for consideration on or before the deadline, which is 20th October 2011. Please note that your abstract will be subjected to a double-blinded peer review process to ensure objectivity and maintain a high quality of the papers to be submitted and presented.
We look forward to seeing you and also listening about your research work soon.
Kind regards and wassalam.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamarul Ariffin Khalid
Programme Chairman MPC11 & Vice President I 2011/2012
Malaysian Postgraduate Students Association of South Australia Incorporated
MyPSA(SA) Inc.
P/O Box 2286
SA 5033
Mobile: + 61 413 687 414
Email: / /
Sekian terima kasih.
MyPSA WA 2011/2012
Dengan hormatnya dipanjangkan email jemputan daripada MyPSA-SA untuk menghadiri Malaysian Postgraduate Conference 2011 (MPC11) pada 26-27 Nov. 2011 sebagai pembentang atau peserta untuk semua warga MyPSA WA serta sesiapa yang berminat untuk hadir.
MyPSA-WA menimbangkan kemungkinan menaja yuran pendaftaran bagi ahli-ahli MyPSA WA yang membentangkan kertas kerja di MPC 2011 ini.
Dear all,
I would like to invite you to either present your research or attend the long-awaited inaugural Malaysian Postgraduate Conference 2011, or MPC11 for short, which will be held at the University of South Australia in Adelaide for two days; the weekend of 26th and 27th of November. Please find attached a copy of the First Announcement and Call for Abstracts for MPC11.
I hope that receiving this email today will still enable you to make preparations to come down to Adelaide and partake of our hospitality come the final weekend of November. If you have need to communicate with us you can do so on the MPC11 Facebook page at, or via this email address.
Kindly note the guidelines given should you want to submit an abstract for consideration on or before the deadline, which is 20th October 2011. Please note that your abstract will be subjected to a double-blinded peer review process to ensure objectivity and maintain a high quality of the papers to be submitted and presented.
We look forward to seeing you and also listening about your research work soon.
Kind regards and wassalam.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamarul Ariffin Khalid
Programme Chairman MPC11 & Vice President I 2011/2012
Malaysian Postgraduate Students Association of South Australia Incorporated
MyPSA(SA) Inc.
P/O Box 2286
SA 5033
Mobile: + 61 413 687 414
Email: / /
Sekian terima kasih.
MyPSA WA 2011/2012
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